Viewing the Perseid Meteor Shower

Viewing the Perseid Meteor Shower

8/12/2023 to | 8:30 PM –

Program Location: Sugar Creek Shelter, Middle Fork River Forest Preserve, 3485 County Rd 2700 E, Penfield, IL 61862

Join us at the darkest place in Champaign County to watch the Perseid meteor shower! At 8:30 p.m., Dave Leake, president of the Champaign-Urbana Astronomical Society, will give a brief sky talk and discuss the Perseid shower, what it is, why we see it, and what you can expect to see. Afterwards, we’ll sit back and enjoy the show. Peak shower activity isn’t until around 2 a.m., but activity will be visible all night long if skies are clear. Stay as long, or as little, as you’d like. Bring a lawn chair or picnic blanket; you may also wish to bring insect repellent and something to drink.

FREE. All Ages.Children must be accompanied by an adult. No cloud date.

Call (217) 351-2567 for weather updates. For more info: (217) 896-2455 or


*In the event of inclement weather/overcast skies, cancellation notices will be posted at least two hours before the program on the William M. Staerkel Planetarium’s (217) 351-2567 phone line, and on our Facebook pages.